EU:tPoP - Defying Destiny #10

Stretch Goal #9 added, 720% funded, and info about Polish version!



3 more Stretch Goals unlocked since Update #9, and the campaign is now more than 700% funded! So, let's take a closer look at what's inside the Defying Destiny box, and finally, let's also talk some Polish! 

More Tokens!

Hi, all! And thanks a lot for making sure that the campaign is keeping its momentum still, even 9 days after launch! We still see new Stretch Goals getting unlocked every day, and since our last Update the Stretch Goals that have been unlocked include More Tokens! for Defying Destiny, a Playbook for the core game, and New Miniature Sculpts for the Extra Player Set add-on, all contributing to an even more awesome game experience! Take a look below!

So, what's inside the box?

With all the content that has been unlocked, let's also take a look at what we've actually got in Defying Destiny at this point. We already showed you a bunch of the Events and some board WIP drafts. Below is a summary and an image that might give you a clearer idea of the total package.

Add-on News

With Stretch Goal X-1 unlocked, the Extra Player Set add-on has also gotten a new and exciting dimension, in the shape of new, unique sculpt for the 4 miniatures. Here's a mockup of how that'll look:We also got some new sketches from Bryce at Black Magic Inserts™ for the mini-card tray that'll come with the Cardholder add-on. This tray will most likely have the same snap-on lid as the existing player trays. And in the little space on the side there might be room for some extra tokens.Stretch Goal #9: Expanded Scenario Book

We didn't show the scenario booklet in the Defying Destiny mockup-image above, but rest assured, it is in the works. Furthermore, if the currently active Stretch Goal is unlocked, the booklet will grow from 16 to 24 pages, meaning more content for EU:tPoP, in the form of more scenarios and Bot Realms.

🇵🇱 Polish News

If all of that wasn't enough, we have a big announcement for the Polish gaming community. Not only will the Deluxe Edition be available in Polish, but also Defying Destiny (Est. delivery: May 2025) as well! We are thrilled to be working with Alis Games, to make this happen!

In their words:

Jesteśmy niezwykle uradowani i to dla nas prawdziwy zaszczyt, że możemy ogłosić nasze partnerstwo z Aegir Games. Dla nas to spełnienie kolejnych marzeń, móc wydać jedną z największych i najlepszych gier planszowych w rodzimym języku, i dać wiele radości graczom i fanom tej fantastycznej strategii. To będzie fantastyczna podróż! 

Wydanie polskiej edycji Europy Universalis oznacza, iż po polsku wydamy wersję Deluxe oraz wszystkie do niej dodatki, plus rozszerzenie Defying Destiny - prace nad dodatkiem zaczniemy w późniejszym terminie, jak tylko otrzymamy materiały, zgodnie z harmonogramem prac. O szczegółach będziemy informować na bieżąco. Zachęcamy do wsparcia! Alis Games.

We're extremely happy to announce the partnership between Aegir Games & Alis Games. It means a lot to us that we will bring one of the biggest & best strategy games ever made into the Polish market, for Polish players and fans. This is going to be an awesome journey and incredible honor! 


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EU:tPoP - Defying Destiny #9
Stretch Goal #7 on the horizon and 625% funded!