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Bringing history to life
Games that let you experience history like you never have before.
Europa Universalis: The Price of Power

221 Unique and Dynamic Historical Events
The highly praised Event system ensures that each of the beautifully illustrated Events have a strong connection to the actual historical events that inspired them, and yet they can play out in a myriad of different ways. This way you get both a high level of immersion and great replayability.

Detailed and Functional High-Quality Pieces
Every playing piece in the game has been designed with great care, both when it comes to aesthetic and functional considerations. The internal hierarchy of the pieces makes sure that the most important pieces stand out and catch your attention first.

4 Ages, 13 Scenarios, and 17 Featured Realms
This game has so much content, it can keep you busy for years. Furthermore, it is almost infinitely customizable. Use the guidelines for how to create your own scenarios in order to use Realms in any combination you prefer, whether you want to go full-on epic, or make something more short and sweet.
With every aspect of our games,
we have extreme attention to details.
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